Friday, October 30, 2015

Day 28: Embracing the beauty of less.

This is one of those unapologetic girly posts. I realize I'll lose some people with this one, but I still think it's worth sharing. 

The topic of Enough has me thinking about things in an outside-the-box way. Enough has impacted me spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and now it's even making me think about how I decorate my home. I love love love to nest, rearrange, find new treasures, and make our little apartment feel cozy. What I'm finding is that as I look through magazines or decorator guru's blogs, I drool and wish and figure out how to buy more beautiful things. I get lured into the pottery barn fantasy life and start dreaming about what it would be like to take up residence in Anthropologie. It's a fun dream. It's also an expensive dream. As much as I'd like to think that I'd reach perfect nesting contentment there, with every beautiful, rustic, chic thing at my fingertips, I know deep down in my gut that I just wouldn't. There will always be that new look, that new rug, that new set of throw pillows (don't even get me started on my love for pillows)...and it'll be a losing game. 

So what's a girl to do? How can contentment be achieved in such a world where there is always more to be had? 

I've loved what one of my favorite blogger friends is teaching me about enough in her home. 

Check out my friend Myquillyn of The Nester.  Here is the place where I've learned things like:

It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful. 


How to be a Cozy Minimalist. 

This summer she challenged her readers to simplify home decor by clearing surfaces, temporarily boxing up extra knick knacks, letting furniture stand alone, and decorating with simple, natural items. 

Nesting is my art, the way I express the personality of our home. And I don't like boring. I was nervous that for a few months our home would feel boring and expressionless. 

The result was the opposite effect. For the first time in a long time our home felt like it  had breathing room and clarity. I wanted to just sit with a book and soak it all in. I wanted to invite others into our space. 

Surprisingly, I didn't miss all of my extra things. Our home didn't feel lacking. It made me relax, take myself out of the rat race of more, and embrace what we had with gratitude. Just another way this 31 day writing challenge  is changing me these days. I experienced the fullness of enough by embracing the beauty of less. 

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