Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Day 12: What fear teaches me about worship

Fear brings many negative things. Now let's be clear: I'm not talking about the fear of walking into traffic on the street or fear of putting my hand on a hot stove and getting burned. Those kinds of fears are built into our instinct. Those fears keep us safe in a good way. I'm talking that kind of fear that comes out of nowhere, sucks the breath out of your lungs, makes you want to run away, then puts lead in your shoes so you are unable to move. This is the fear that makes me stuck. This is the fear I fight. 

Sometimes fear brings something good. Fear teaches me about worship. 

What is worship? 

Worship: {treat somebody or something as deity }

My soul was created for worship- for the adoration of someone or something. 

I am always worshipping. 

As I take a look at some of my fears, I ask myself- what's behind that? Typically what's behind a fear is a misdirected object of worship. 

I'm afraid to lose a loved one. {worshipping safety, relationships}
I'm afraid of how I'm perceived. {worshipping affirmation of others}
I'm afraid of where/what God could ask of me. {worshipping comfort} 

Fear teaches me that behind these irrational, doom & gloom, anxious thoughts is most likely a misdirected object of worship. Fear teaches me that I need to affirm that Jesus is on the throne and the only one worthy. Fear tells me to capture and take captive those thoughts; to make His enthronement foremost. 

What are you worshipping today that is behind what you are afraid of? 

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