Monday, August 8, 2016

Wisdom: What the World Needs from Christians {pt 2}

Let's review. In part 1 of this wisdom series, we discussed the value of Christians being compassionate listeners when facing brokenness. It's not an accident that I listed listening first. Listening should always be number 1. 

We've covered how we should receive information (input) but what about how we engage people (output)? 

We are so good at output. 

In an age of #nofilter and #letsbehonest, output typically comes in the form of a trigger-friendly "share" button. Pair a shared article from a not-so-reputable source with a powerfully worded description and voila! You've changed the world by changing everyone's minds. 

Come on, now. We all know that's not possible. Yet why do we behave that way on social media? Words fly freely, emotions run high. Would these types of interactions even happen if we were to sit down and try to have them face to face? 

Why are we all trying to pick fights? Don't we know we can't change the world simply by yelling over each other on Facebook? For the love. 

Which brings me to my second point. 

Part 2. The World needs Responders NOT Reactors.

Don't think there's a difference? 

A reactor:
               Acts on emotion
               Is usually defensive
               Responds quickly- almost like a knee-jerk reaction to a situation 
               Doesn't wait to get all the information

A Responder:
               Delays their reply
               Uses reasoning skills 
               Takes a more thorough approach that balances logic and emotion
               Tries to take back for a more well-rounded perspective

I'm willing to bet that over 90% of people use the reactor approach. We get uncomfortable with someone's viewpoint, we make a judgment about what their words mean, then we take a defensive position. The result is sad and very familiar. It adds up to a bunch of people running around defending themselves and spewing emotionally-charged opinions at each other. There is no listening, there is no compromising, there is no peace. 

You know what the world needs from Christians? Steady, wise responders. People who wait to get all the information before jumping on a bandwagon. People who are willing to let go of their "right" to be heard first. People who can step back, count to 10, then prayerfully respond. People who are okay with not sharing their opinion at all, in some cases. We must learn that we don't always need to "win" ethical/political battles. Our aim is to "win" hearts for the Kingdom. 

How do we learn how to become wise responders? 

It all begins and ends with dependence on the Holy Spirit. He is the one who guides, advises and brings truth. Take cues from Him. Start learning to listen to His direction, then trust it. 

Also, may I suggest a face-to-face conversation about hard topics? About broken things? It's much easier to read people and see the person across from you as a human (just like you!) rather than the enemy. Also, it's much harder to be a reactor when you have to think things through and speak real live words from your mouth instead of shooting poison arrows through the keys of your keyboard. Just a thought. 

This is another thing the world needs from Christians. Can you feel the hope? The health? That's wisdom calling. Let's respond together.