When it comes to conflict, it seems that everyone is walking around wounded, waiting for the world to approach them first. Always a victim, we sulk and let our shoulders sink with sour dejection. If only my mother/father/cousin/best friend/wife/brother would realize that they owe me. Then all relational angst would be nonexistant. We wait. We brood. And conflict sits and festers, warm and rotting in that selfish, entitled place in our souls. Most humans stay right here, festering, our wounds our most cherished posession. We stay there so long we start to believe that life is really supposed to be that bitter. Those wounds warp the heart, placing indelible labels on our identity.
Oh, WHY do we believe the lie that resolution comes when the other person changes??
There's another way. A way so counterintuitive that it seems foolish. But the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom (1 Cor. 1:25). He says to go first. Face that person that makes you so mad and do what freaks you out. Do what doesn't make sense. Love them deeply. Go first. It's risky. There is no "satisfaction or your money back" guarantee. There is no promise that person will see and acknowlege your selflessness. Love never comes with such guarantees. It's so countercultural that it won't be recongized for what it is. Expect confusion. Expect the sound of crumbling walls of opposition. The thing about love is that it's hard. It doesn't always feel like fun.
{To be clear, love isn't handing your trust back to an untrustworthy individual on a silver platter. Love is wiser than that. It's about forgiveness and free distribution of the mercy of which you've partaken. That's all we're required to do.}
When you quit waiting for others to change and extend that hand of peace, something rearranges inside yourself. The strong sense of being wronged starts to fade as grace floods in.
Another thing about love is that it makes waves. Love is contagious and disarming. When my priority shifts from how I can change them to how I can love them, the change I want to see starts taking place in front of me. Wow, just like everything else in life, it's not in my control! Do you hear the urgency of God's rhythm of freedom? Let go. Let me. Love first.
Let's start shifting our priorities. Let's spread the love.