There is a common characteristic among these occurences;
a thread weaving them into something lasting and rich: the gift of presence.
Never has someone given me something more worthwhile. The glow of posessions
loses its lustre. The closeness of another's warmth lasts long after their
departure, for it spreads to the most inner place of me, the place that
matters, inspiring me to offer the same warmth.
It is for this reason that I believe that God did more
than offer a Savior when He sent His only Jesus son to this earth. He knew it
too. Because it wouldn't have been enough to send even the greatest, newest,
shiniest present to His people. Even if they begged Him for it. He gave, freely
and wholeheartedly, what the human soul needed but didn't know:
His presence.
The presence of an average, ordinary-looking, dusty-footed, hard-working man.
Deity sharing our skin, facing temptation, feeling defeat. He spoke the tongue
of the ones He wanted to woo, shoulder to shoulder walking, obeying the purpose
assigned to Him by His Father. He was that companion, not mighty conqueror. He
was attentive, not absent. He was that warm hand extended to the marginalized,
not a political hero. And though he was asked for many things that would fix or
solve, He saw deeper into the heart. His gaze penetrated through even the
purest intentions to offer something so life-altering and misunderstood. A
meal, a walk, a touch. A gift that would transform. A gift that would be passed
down by story-telling and changed lives. A gift that He offers
to me today, though in different packaging, as I traverse the bumpy roads of
this small, imperfect life. My discouragement, joy, triumph, and work load is
shared. The warmth of His presence changes me.
Emmanuel is our God with us. Open up and receive the gift of presence.